Saturday, January 8, 2011

p90x journey begins next week!

So in deciding to make a blog to track my progress with my first round of p90x, I was a bit disheartened by the number of blogs on blogger that have been created for p90x but that were never updated more than once or twice. That doesn't mean these people didn't complete p90x, it just meant that they gave up on sharing their experience with it.

My intent with this blog is to give in detail the daily account of my p90x venture. I hope I don't fall by the way side like so many others have because I know that I have been searching and searching for detailed accounts of people with their success stories.

I will be starting p90x on January 11th and will be doing the classic version. I will update the blog as I get ready so I can show whoever reads this the equipment I buy to get ready for it, the foods I intend to eat, etc.

Can't wait to start!


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