Tuesday, January 18, 2011

P90x Classic Day 8 - Plyometrics - Part 2

Plyometrics is the only routine on this thing that makes me feel like I can't make it all the way through. It's brutal and unforgiving. I love it! By the time I finish it I am in such a good mood that I am still alive I can hardly stand it!

I am having a hard time getting my percentages figured out. I didn't eat enough today either. You need so much protein this first phase! I ate a good amount of veg today, but not enough meat. I did however make up a new meal that I ate for dinner. SO tasty. You take a low carb whole wheat tortilla (Mission) and cut it in fourths and put on a baking sheet. you then put thin sliced skim mozzarella on each quarter, then a few drops of Tobasco on the cheese and broil it in the oven until the cheese is melted and just barely starting to brown on top. Pull from the oven and put fresh sliced Avocodo on each piece and eat! It was so good and I had so many calories left over that I had 2. Going to become a regular in my diet for sure! Here's a pic.

I really have a love hate relationship with Plyometrics because it's so tough, yet so rewarding. I am sure I will be paying for it tomorrow. I got several bursts of high energy today which I haven't had since starting so I think my body is finally starting to get use to the diet changes and the intense amount of exercise.

I am also struggling not knowing my weight or changes. I know that isn't a requirement and just a personal choice but I am so used to weight change determining my process that it sometimes tended to affect me mentally and prevent me from doing the work. Now it's a game of faith and knowing that if I do the work the results will come. I haven't seen big results yet but I am just barely a week into this. I know that in 30 - 40 days I will really start noticing the results so I have to just hang in there and do the best I can on my nutrition and workouts. Get my percentages right and move from there. That said, here's my food intake for the day:

After workout peach smoothy with yogurt and whey protein

Pure Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein bar

Carl's Jr. side salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing

2 of the Avocodo tortilla things I mentioned above

Smoothie with strawberry whey protein, 1 cup blueberries, ice and water
Pure protein chocolate chip bar

Total Calories - 1146
Protein - 37%
Carbs - 34%
Fats - 29%

As you can see I need to lower my fats and up my protein. Just wasn't hungry enough tonight to eat those eggs and broccoli. I will work hard tomorrow to make the right percentages. Maybe make the eggs in the morning if I have time before work. Also the balsamic vineagrette from Carl's Jr. is crap. Tastes great but found it has like 480 mg of sodium!! The salad however is awesome. Baby spinach, romaine and other types of lettuce, tomato, very good greens and only a buck fifty. I will be getting that again only next time I will bring my own dressing. Probably the mango one I had yesterday that was so good and so much better nutritionally.

Until tomorrow.... I will sleep and then I will BRING IT!!


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