Thursday, January 13, 2011

P90x Classic Day 3 - Shoulders and Arms / Ab Ripper X

The warm up was the toughest part of my workout today. Mainly because I'm still coming down off of the first Chest,Back and Abs workout and the Plyometrics. Once I got through the warmups though I felt nice and stretched and was able to do the Shoulders and arms. Again thanks to me not waking up until 6:15 I didn't have time for Ab Ripper X so I will be knocking that out this evening. Going well so far but since I didn't start until Tuesday and don't want to work out on Sundays I am deciding to workout Sunday this week and then not take a rest day so I can get on track for Monday. That way it will be Monday through Saturday and then rest on Sunday. Food is going well. Still getting over the sugar addictions and portion changes but overall not too shabby. If I get to where my stomach is grumbling I will snack on a protein bar or some veg and drink a large glass of water and then all is right with the world again. One thing I haven't mentioned is the fact that I am drinking about 10-12 glasses of water each day. It will be nice when the initial shock and soreness goes away. I can say though that I am very glad I was going to the gym regularly before doing this since it's brutal. Loving it though!
Smoothie with strawberry whey protein, 1 cup strawberries, water, ice, banana
Pure chocolate peanut butter protein bar
2 Mission low carb tortillas (4gm) with canned organic chicken and fresh salsa mixed and heated with fresh baby spinach
Red Pear
Pizza! Low carb tortilla with tomato sauce mixed with Oregano,  Pepper and a touch of Splenda, skim mozzarella, lean ground turkey and broccoli.
Protein shake with chocolate protein powder, ice, water and 1/4 cup natural plain yogurt. 

Here's a pic of the yummy pizza I had tonight. 

Finished ab ripper x and had a protein shake tonight (listed in my meals above). I got a bit farther in them than I did the first round. Off to bed and then back to it tomorrow! 



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