Monday, January 24, 2011

P90x Classic Day 14 - Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X - Part 3!

Yes you heard it right folks. I finished Chest and Back workout number 3. I have definitely improved over the last 2 weeks. I can still only do one unassisted pull up so I still need the chair for that, but I've pushed the chair farther out so it's much harder. I also was able to reach my goals on all of the push up rounds and I need to increase my weights on all of the dumbbell rounds. Will be doing Ab Ripper X tonight. Great day so far!


AB RIPPER X! I did all my crunchy frogs!! Actually almost did all 349 sit up exercises. Closer than I have before anyway. I was impressed with how much I was able to do compared to even last week.

I also did the best I have done on my percentages. Got 51% protein and lower carbs than I've had to date. I'll post the pie chart as usual below. I am looking forward to the rest week but I hear it's almost as tough as the weight weeks. I guess I'm mostly excited because only a couple weeks until I can measure myself and take my 30 day pics. Looking forward to seeing how and where I have improved. I have a quote I've used a lot the last 15 years that goes "I'm quite buff under all this flab!" I am anxious to finally watch the flab go so I can see the buffness. Over all I feel better. I still tire daily from all the exercise and stringent diet but that tells me it's working. It's hard to put faith in a 90 day program hoping it will pan out, but I have confidence that if I stick to it, I will see great results. I've already changed my perception on my eating and plan to start insanity shortly after finishing P90x.



Tomorrow is another grueling round of Plyometrics AHHH!!! BRING IT!


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