Sunday, January 23, 2011

P90x Classic Day 13 - Rest Day - Stretch X

Ahh Sunday, rest day. Today I get to relax and enjoy the benefits of last week. Drinking a blueberry,yogurt and vanilla whey protein smoothie this morning and I think in a bit I will try out Stretch X since it's one of the things I can do on my rest day. I didn't have a rest day last week since I started p90x on Tuesday so I've been working out everyday for 12 days straight. It will be good to have a day off but I'm looking forward to starting another week. I'm really starting to feel stronger in so many areas. I feel mentally better too, less stress than usual. Not that I'm a stressed out person but I do a lot of mentally stressful work in my profession and this last couple of weeks things have gone very smooth.

I'll put my diet for today up later tonight. Last night was a lot of fun, I ate great food at Mimi's Cafe and then went and saw True Grit. Awesome movie. You know it's no secret that I love food, I love GOOD food, my problem in the past is I've never managed it and I let myself get less active. P90x has been an eye opener to me on how good a body can feel when you give it what it needs and wants. Balance is the key.



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