Wednesday, January 26, 2011

P90x Classic Day 16 - Arms and Shoulders - Part 3

Crazy how weak my right arm is compared to my left. When starting P90x I decided to favor the weak limbs so they can catch up to the strong ones. My right arm with 20 lb curls would be beat by 10, my left could easily go another 20. I am left handed so that makes some sense, but can't believe it is to that extreme. When I did my measurements I found my left arm was a full inch bigger around than my right. gyarr. Anyway hope it catches up soon. It's annoying lol.

Got Ab Rippers tonight and then I will update with my meals and percentages. Today so far I am right on my percentages. Let's hope they stay that way after dinner.


Ab rippers done tonight. My son did them with me so it was even more fun. There are a couple exercises on that one that I don't care for but I do them anyway lol. I'll do it until I like it I guess!

It's late so I'm going to post my meals so I can get to bed since tomorrow is 90 minutes of Yoga X and I'd like to get up early enough to do all 90 without breaking it up. Oh btw, hit my percentages almost dead on today!!



More updates tomorrow! Bring it!


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