Saturday, January 15, 2011

P90x Classic Day 4 - Yoga X

LOVED Yoga X !! Wow, it was tougher than I figured it would be. I was sweating buckets by the end, but it's that whole Yin Yang concept of being in extreme discomfort and totally relaxed at the same time. Crazy. So it's tough getting the workouts in when wanted. This one is 90 minutes and so I ended up doing the last half this evening. I think I may either start working out in the evening, or have to go to bed extra early. I'm such a night person so it's hard to force my self to bed early especially with 4 kids.

Food wasn't much different but my fats were too high today. Carbs were right on the money.

Multiberry Smoothie with Body Fortress protein

Pure Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter bar
Emerald Cocoa Roast 100 calorie pack almonds

Low carb wrap with chicken, salsa, mozzarella and baby spinach

Red Bartlett Pear
Half of a Clif Chocolate Chip Bar

Low carb tortilla pizza with ground white turkey breast, mushrooms, green peppers, tomato sauce, onions and skim mozzarella.

1/4th banana
Protein shake

Protein 42%   Fat: 28%   Carbs: 30%

Think the extra cheese on the lunch put me ahead on the Fats so I'll keep that in mind for tomorrow.

Starting to enjoy P90x more and more. A long way to go but almost a week complete!! Even with the soreness, the nutrition is the most difficult part but I am determined to follow that part well.

Bring it!!


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