Sunday, January 16, 2011

P90x Classic Day 5 - Legs and Back

Yesterday didn't go as I had hoped workout wise. I woke up late and had a bunch of deadlines to finish up, plus I was hosting  a big Lord of the Rings party so I only got half of my workout in and no ab ripper x. I was going to try to make up for it today by throwing in the last 30 minutes and the ab ripper x this morning and then Kempo X tonight, but I don't want to injure myself with all that so I may just take the defeat, do Kempo X today and then start fresh tomorrow.

I planned on having a few cheat items yesterday since I knew the party was on that day. I had my post workout protein shake and then didn't track much of the rest but it came out to a Veggielicious sandwich on whole wheat chiabata bread, a couple slices of Pizza, a piece of cake, a few Oreos and chips, 3 hot wings, 5 beanie weenies in a blanket and a ton of water, and a couple glasses of Diet Dew. Then everything goes blurry from their because it was very late by that time :D

I will write a new post for todays success in a little while after I get my nutrition on and my Kempo X done.

One nice thing was even after just a week, I was getting compliments on how I was toning. Even an old friend on Facebook wrote and complimented my biceps on a picture that was taken during the party.

One week in, a bunch more to go!!


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