Friday, January 28, 2011

P90x Classic Day 18 - Legs and back - Part 3

So since I got to bed in the wee hours this morning I didn't do my workout till this afternoon. I did Abs right after as well. Such a TOUGH FRIGGIN WORKOUT. BUT I did it! All the way through, no stalls no breaks (well on the main) had to pause the vid on Ab Rippers so I could get in 25 of everything. I Brought it today. Been bringing it everyday but today felt different. I felt stronger, like I'm finally able to do the exercises without feeling like dying afterwords. I work harder than I ever have and the next day the soreness is more minimal than usual. I attribute that in part to the chocolate milk. It's a life saver I'm telling you. I drink an 8 oz chug right after a workout and I'm right as rain. Tomorrow is Kenpo X and then I get a  week of yoga and stretching and such. Can't wait! Then I start phase two! (bites nails). Hope I am ready. I am definitely ready to put up new weight, body fat and size stats.


Check out my Percentages again! Getting more consistant!

Looking forward to Kenpo tomorrow! One of my favorites. I feel so good tonight. So much energy.

Bring it!


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