Monday, January 17, 2011

P90x Classic Day 7 - Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X - Part 2

Well I did Chest and Back for the second time. I have to say I did much much better than the first time I did it! A good example of progress is round 2 the first time, I couldn't do even on decline pushup and today second round I did 6. It was a good day over all. Not a lot of problem with eating, nutrition is going well. I have plenty of energy for my workouts. I was also able to knock out Ab Ripper X this morning right after Chest and Back. Tough but rewarding. That's a toughie, I feel like a floppy fish whenever I do the ab work.

I still feel tired on and off throughout the day. In reading on Beachbody it will work itself out, removing toxins, getting used to all the food going to energy for your muscles and such. Better than last week though. Getting used to doing so many workouts a week is tough, yet I find my self craving the next work out.

Update: Here were my meals and percentages for this day

Peach Smoothie (see previous posts for ingredients
CLIF bar almond fudge
Burger King side salad with low cal Mango dressing (not from BK) and topped with Albacore tuna
Premiere Twisted chocolate protein bar
2 Tuna melts - Low carb tortillas, tuna, mustard, skim mozzarella grilled in a pan with very little 0 cal cooking spray
Bartlett Pear
Chocolate whey protein shake
Neuro Bliss Drink

Calorie total - 1420
Protein - 42%
Fat - 23%
Carbs - 35%

Still need to figure out how to get my ratios to 50/30/20

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