Saturday, January 22, 2011

P90x Classic Day 12 - Kenpo X - Part 2

Today's workout was AWESOME. Yoga X and Kenpo X are my favorite workouts. This is the one workout where I can keep up with them from start to finish. I have integrated Chocolate milk as a recovery drink at the end of my workouts and I can already notice a difference in energy and recovery. Today it was well deserved.

I decided to make Saturdays a bit of a cheat day mainly because I find I'm having a hard time even getting 1400-1500 calories each week. I remember in the past cheat days helped a lot so I'm trying it out to see how they go. Last week I cheated some and think I did awesome last week. I figure if I am eating 1500 calories a day and exercising my guts out 6 days a week for around 1.5 hours a pop, I can give myself a bit of a cheat. Won't happen though unless I make it through all 6 days of workouts. It's a good goal and I'm happy with it. Guess time will tell if it hoses me or not :D

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