Friday, January 21, 2011

P90x Classic Day 10 - Yoga X - Part 2

Missed writing last night thanks to pulling a near all nighter so I thought I would update this morning. Was a great day yesterday. Stayed in my percentages almost the whole day. Got some Vanilla whey protein which is SO much better than the strawberry! Also got to do Yoga X which was awesome! It's a very tough but rewarding workout. All of my kids did it with me. It was awesome.

My kids doing ohms with me.
It was a lot of fun sharing the experience with them. They are a thousand times more flexible than me of course. :D

Almost 2 full weeks into it! Just today's workout and tomorrow and then Sunday I rest and get ready for the third and final week of this set. I have to say even though my wife and friends say they are noticing some big differences, I'm still not seeing a huge change yet other than I do feel like my body is firming up underneath the fat :D I am confident though that by the time I hit day 30 I will notice some decent results when comparing 30 day to 0 day pics and I am also confident that 30-60 days will yield some awesome results. It's the whole "believing is seeing concept" Focus on the roots and the fruits you want will come in time.

I decided to try something else with meals. I am going to paste in the screens from Livestrong so you can see exactly what I eat. I may go into my other entries and update them this way as well.

Food for the day:


The left is protein, The web browser cuts it off a bit. 
I think that will work well for showing my percentages and food intake.

I will add another post for Legs and Back later today!

Bring it!


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