Tuesday, January 11, 2011

P90x Classic Day 1 - Chest, Back and Ab Ripper X

I finished my first day workout this morning. It went well, I have been going to the gym pretty regularly for a few months now but this workout kicked my trash. Mainly comprised of several types of push ups and pull ups mixed with a bit of dumbbell work.

Like I mentioned earlier, I won't be putting up my before and after pics until I have finished the 90 days but my wife did take the pics for me last night. I also took my measurements last night so here they are for day one. I will update again on day 30. I wasn't happy with the weight since I put on about 8 pounds in December thanks to the holidays. Oh well, it will all come off and then some with this program. :)

WEIGHT 204 0 0 0 0
BODY FAT % 27.4 0 0 0 0
CHEST 40.25 0 0 0 0
WAIST 39 0 0 0 0
HIPS 41.25 0 0 0 0
RIGHT THIGH 24 0 0 0 0
LEFT THIGH 24.25 0 0 0 0
RIGHT ARM 12.25 0 0 0 0
LEFT ARM 13 0 0 0 0

 I don't intend on weighing myself again until day 30. It's a bit liberating knowing that I don't need to look at the scale every morning to see if I've jumped around. I can't wait until I get to my 30 day results!

I took some more pictures of some of the equipment I am using.

Pull up bar from Golds Gym brand. Worked great in my workout today which was like 75% pull ups. 

Standard yoga mat and 2 yoga blocks. Haven't used these yet. 

GE Single serve blender. In a word, AWESOME. Cheap too, less than 20 bux. It made the drink you see in the pic below. 

Part of my breakfast this morning. Strawberry whey protein, a whole banana, 1 cup frozen raspberries and water. Tasted great. 

Golds Gym push up stands. Seem very similar to the ones they use in the vids. I only paid like 8 bux for these. 
I will update this entry with my meal data from daily plate along with my percentages tonight when I'm done eating. 


K I did Ab Ripper X tonight. Holy crap I felt like a floppy salmon trying to make it back into the water. Pathetic! But still exciting to be on the path. Here are my eats today from Daily Plate. I will tweak the system as I go

EDIT: I removed the Daily Plate table because it was messing up the format. I am building my own and will put it up when it's ready.

Final percentages today were Protein: 49.53% Carbs: 35.87% and Fats: 14.6%. Not as happy with carbs it was about 5 percent too high but protein was spot on. Will do more fats less carbs tomorrow if possible. Hoping to survive my first round of plyometrics tomorrow!!


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