Wednesday, February 16, 2011

P90x Classic Phase 2 - Day 10 - Back and Biceps

Two words...

That's the after workout wonder drug right there. 8 oz of low fat chocolate recovery goodness. I feel like I pushed my biceps too hard last week so I lessened the weight this week. Was still brutal but I felt I got a better workout. Last time I tried keeping much higher weight and found I was really rocking my body to get those curls in. This time even though a few brought me into the 12-15 rep range, I felt like it was a safer and more effective workout overall. Right arm is getting stronger but it is still a pansy compared to my left. My left is really wanting to move ahead but I am more concerned about getting more symmetrical with the two limbs. Once righty catches up then lefty can move forward. :)

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