Tuesday, March 15, 2011

P90x Classic Phase 3 - Day 2 - Plyometrics

Welp brought it hard in Plyo today. It's crazy, many days when I work out I spend the time at first thinking. GAH I don't want to do this! But I then tell my self that I am here and I am bringing it! I give it my all, and then I spend the other 23 hours of the day so grateful that I pushed past the "comfort" side of my brain, you know that part of us that wants us to just be comfortable which is also the part that makes us fat and lazy. :D I push through it and then I am so glad I brought it all the way and I can then enjoy my day knowing that I did good for myself. I like the saying "Hard now, easy later". I can take the easy way, feel comfortable, not work, eat whatever and then I have to pay for it later in life, OR I can take the hard way, do what's right, turn my body into a well oiled machine, and then enjoy the benefits of a higher metabolism, great body and all around better mental state of mind. That's where I am heading.

It also helps that I enjoy running because that helps me get through the stupid plyo and leg workouts since I know they will help improve my overall running experience. ;)



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