Monday, March 14, 2011

P90x Classic Phase 3 - Day 1 - Chest and Back

Well I am back in the action. Took a week off to deal with my sister's trauma and a campout I had with my son. All is well with my sister and she's finally out of ICU! It was a rough week but ended up working out well. I feel my family has been very blessed this week.

I of course started the week off by setting my alarm wrong and missing my morning workout and breakfast :( but I am going to hit it hard as soon as I get home from work. I will update my totals and workout experience later on.

Update: Workout was great. Tough since I have taken a week off. Got abs in as well. Great to be back to the game though and I felt like I really brought it. Back on track with my nutrition as well though I think I may jump up to 50% protein again and drop my carbs a bit to help speed the weight loss.


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