Tuesday, March 1, 2011

P90x Classic Phase 2 - Day 23 - CORE SYNER-BLEH-STICS

Yup so it starts again. Like a bad dream you can't wake from :) Actually it was a bit nicer than the last time I did it. Must be improving. Boats can still bite me though.

Feeling good today. Feel I have been lacking on my water, maybe because I was peeing dark this morning. Going to drink lots and lots today and see how I improve. Can't believe I am almost done with Phase II!! I am seeing results but still frustrated with the pooch, it's slowly going down. I can't complain really. I have had it for about 12 years and expect it to go away in 3 months? Hopefully will be close though by then. Some will say, STOP THE CHEAT DAY! To which I will say, I agree. I am sure ditching a food day off would maybe get me there a tad quicker (maybe), but I am looking for lifestyle changes and for me, I love food. It's a big part of me. I have European roots and we love to eat. :) I feel 100% fine with eating totally clean 6 times a week and eating what I want one day a week. It let's me enjoy the goods while still getting my health on. If it takes 120 days to see the full results rather than the 90 then so be it, I never intended on this only being a 90 day thing.

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